Flowers used in this bouquet include: 20 black and blue premium roses
Flowers always represent love and and happiness. They are the perfect present when you wanna put a smile on someone’s face, or just thinking of him/her at that moment.
Due to season change and stock availibity, we cannot guarantee the flowers will be 100% same as pictured. We will make sure the same colour tone will be followed and we will try our best to make it as similar as possible. If a certain type of flowers are not available and this will result in a major change of the design, we will contact you for substitution. Otherwise we will substitute it with other suitable flowers maintaining the same value.
By accepting these terms and conditions you are acknowledging there may be differences between images and produced goods. We appreciate your understanding.
If you would like to customise your own arrangement, or you have special inquiry, please contact store direcly to speak with our florist before ordering.
Our same day flower delivery service across Melbourne Monday – Saturday (Sunday delivery only available on Christmas Eve, weddings & Funerals, Valentines Day & Mothers Day)